Enhancing Focus

The Observer & The Observed

Working in the ancient tradition of bronze, Keil’s structural compositions are a tool which enables a dialogue between the observer and the observed. In a reversal of the laws of physical reality and of artistic tradition she creates an experiential topography. Without perspective or distance, Keil achieves an oneiric depth that is never out of focus, a dynamic system which can’t be seen but is inescapably felt.

Multi-Sensory Experience

The Observer & The Observed

Working in the ancient tradition of bronze, Keil’s structural compositions are a tool which enables a dialogue between the observer and the observed. In a reversal of the laws of physical reality and of artistic tradition she creates an experiential topography. Without perspective or distance, Keil achieves an oneiric depth that is never out of focus, a dynamic system which can’t be seen but is inescapably felt.